


A myringotomy is a surgery performed by an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist to drain fluid from your middle ear. A myringotomy may be completed on one ear or both (bilateral myringotomy).

A myringotomy is a surgery performed on your tympanic membrane (eardrum). A tiny incision is created in your eardrum to allow fluid to drain from your middle ear. Myringotomy is most often recommended to treat otitis media with effusion (fluid in the ear). On average, myringotomy recovery takes about four weeks.

When is a myringotomy necessary?

A myringotomy may be necessary for children and adults with:

  • Frequent ear infections (acute otitis media)

  • Ear bleeding due to trauma, severe infection or a ruptured eardrum

  • Balance problems

  • Hearing loss or muffled hearing

  • Speech delays (in children)

  • Ear barotrauma (a painful feeling in your ears due to air pressure changes).

Most myringotomies are performed on children because young people are more prone to ear infections. However, many adults need myringotomy, too. Barotrauma is the most common reason for myringotomy in adults.

The main purpose of a myringotomy is to allow fluid that’s trapped in your middle ear to drain out. This fluid could be water, blood or pus.

What happens during a myringotomy procedure?

In most cases, myringotomy surgery is performed under general anesthesia to keep you comfortable. But it may also be done with a topical anesthetic in the office. During your myringotomy procedure, your surgeon uses a small microscope so they can see your eardrum clearly. Next, they’ll create a tiny hole in your eardrum and drain the fluid from your middle ear. In some cases, your surgeon will also perform a tympanostomy by placing an ear tube (myringotomy tube) into the incision. This ear tube allows drainage from your middle ear to continue.

No stitches are necessary because the incision will heal on its own. Once your myringotomy surgery is complete, your surgeon will pack your ear with gauze. From start to finish, a myringotomy takes about 15 to 20 minutes

Is myringotomy painful?

Anesthesia prevents pain during myringotomy surgery. However, you may experience some mild pain or discomfort following your procedure. You can take over-the-counter pain relievers to ease discomfort. Your surgeon may also give you numbing ear drops. Be sure to take all medications as directed.

Advantages of myringotomy?

Myringotomy offers a number of potential benefits. For example, myringotomy can:

  • Reduce the frequency of ear infections

  • Restore hearing loss caused by fluid buildup

  • Ease ear pain and pressure

  • Improve balance

  • Improve speech and academic performance in children.


Most people fully recover in about four weeks. If you had ear tubes put in, they should fall out on their own within six to 12 months.
