


Surgical procedures that maintain, restore, or enhance the human voice. Phonosurgery includes phonomicrosurgery (microsurgery of the vocal folds done through an endoscope), laryngoplastic phonosurgery (open-neck surgery that restructures the cartilaginous framework of the larynx and the soft tissues), laryngeal injection (injection into the larynx of medications as well as synthetic and organic biologic substances), and reinnervation (restoration of the nerve supply) of the larynx. The term "phonosurgery" was coined in the early 1960s.

Phono-micro Surgery

Highly specialized surgery to improve voice (phonosurgery) using microsurgical techniques and highly magnified views (microsurgery) in order to provide microscopic detail. Phonomicrosurgery is a specialized form of phonosurgery. In phonomicrosurgery, surgeon-voice specialists use microsurgical techniques and instruments to treat abnormalities on the vibratory edge of the vocal fold, thus helping a patient regain or improve voice function.

Increased understanding of voice function and new instrumentation have allowed phonomicrosurgery to become an effective treatment option for patients with certain voice disorders that are due to vocal fold abnormalities and that have not responded to medical or voice therapy.

Most patients who require phonomicrosurgery will also require post-surgical voice therapy.